Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Spooky New Works

This is a recent comissioned piece I completed. It was really fun to try my take on the classic cemetary scene. I took a very long time with this painting. I had some times when I was just too busy to paint or I had other projects in the works. It took about ayear to paint and repaint. I completed it on 11/1/11, pretty cool :)

This painting sent me on a darker path than usual. I am having fun experimenting with it.. I keep getting new ideas.

I completed this painting before the one above ^
I enjoyed creating Raven's Claws The writing in the background is a Jim Morisson quote. Once I started this I was on a roll :)

I was inspired to start another cemetary scene. It seemed everytime I was painting on the original comission I would see this one.. couldn't get it out of my head.. I wouldn't be happy with the first painting until I started this one. It is still in progress..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

is the next in my series. She followed Rosemary. Watercolor and Prismacolor with ink detail on Mi Tientes Colored Paper.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It has been too long

Well it has been over a year since my last post. So much has changed. We have moved to a small town named Bay City, TX. It was a hurried move that happened in June of 09. We had a week to move. Which for us is crazy! We are packrats... we see uses out of the most mundane of objects. We are not horders like that reality show... call us collectors lol! Wemiss Houston with a passion! Although I am closer to my family, I think we need the city air.. so I am taking a chance and applying for jobs across the US. Its all about the pursuit of happiness and I have not found it here.. since moving here I have had terrible Artist's Block.. I guess that is what you call it. I thought that being closer to the water would inspire but I haven't been able to go out during the day. This town is very small so the only employment we could find is working nights at a hotel.. so we sleep during the day. So look out world, here we come!!! We are ready to take a chance, we want to wake up in a locale that we love and also find work that we are qualified for... My art degree and Luke's BA is going to waste in this place... So raise your glass and wish us luck!